Crimson Sunrise – Book Review


Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

“A cold chill crept down her spine. The ease with which he killed and brushed it off was terrifying.”

This book was exactly what I needed to read; a short crime thriller that really packs a punch. It was so easy to binge-read, the pacing and the intense action had me always wanting more. Absolutely brilliant. I’m so happy to be sharing my review for Crimson Sunrise!

About the book

Roger Colby, a hard-edged C.I.A. agent, thought he’d found the woman of his dreams with the alluring Verity. But their steamy encounter was a cruel illusion, a honeytrap photographed by a shadowy figure named Scarecrow. A desperate chase unfolds through the ‘70s neon jungle of NYC as Roger tries to stop the film from unleashing chaos. But their trail of destruction attracts unwanted attention – two razor-sharp NYPD detectives, a ruthless C.I.A. hitman blurring the lines of loyalty, and the mob circling like vultures for the explosive evidence – Roger’s world is collapsing. Can he catch the Scarecrow and clear his name before the city erupts in a deadly showdown?

The beginning

I loved the mysterious, intriguing start to this book! From the 70’s NYC setting to the alluring charm of Verity, the first character we’re introduced to, I was very pleasantly surprised and immediately hooked. This character was so much more than what she appeared on the surface. She’d done terrible things and was involved with things much more dangerous than the average passer by would ever expect. When a con job goes terribly wrong, Verity finds herself in danger, with her partner, Sam, having to do what he can to find a solution. I became transfixed with the excitement, the uncertainty, and I was already desperate to find out how or if they would get out of this mess. It’s a fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat type read and I couldn’t flick through the pages fast enough! It felt easy to get to know these characters, but at the same time, it was clear there was a hell of a lot more to learn about them.

“She was rarely seen for who she was. People rarely looked beyond her physical appearance. For a moment she wondered if he would be so keen to meet her if he knew a fraction of what she was capable of.”

The description here was excellent and so vivid; I felt as though I’d completely zoned out of real life as I joined C.I.A agent, Roger, and Verity racing through NYC. It seemed Verity and Sam had certainly chosen the wrong target this time. Roger wasn’t a pushover. He was out for revenge. Some scenes did feel a bit farfetched, but I really didn’t care. Everything was so exciting and addictive. Sam had incriminating evidence that could give Roger a lot of trouble, and this type of job was something he and Verity had done a thousand times before, but this was the first time it had ever gone wrong. I wondered the lengths Roger would go to destroy the evidence against him. Would he take a life? What was he really capable of? He was a very interesting character, and I knew he’d throw us a few surprises along the way.

The middle

As part two of the book began, I absolutely loved getting to know fresh new characters. DS Mickey Sullivan and his partner, Chandler, get a taste of what’s to come as they learn about the whole situation, and they were really great characters to add to the mix. I loved the whole investigation, following leads and finding clues to Roger, Verity and Sam’s whereabouts. The alternating POVs worked really well, and seeing everything from different angles added so much depth. It was strange, but welcoming how my opinions on characters were changing as things progressed. I started off by wanting Verity and Sam to succeed in their con job, but by this point, I sympathised with Roger somewhat too. Adrenaline-fuelled car chases, gun fights and (I sensed) a little Stockholm Syndrome created such a memorable vibe. The description of the sights and smells of Brooklyn really brought everything to life.

“After a dozen or so paces the detectives span around and followed the unsuspecting couple. The deadly chess match was well underway; checkmate was now within their grasp.”

Mickey and Chandler get ever closer to the truth and every detail was written with meticulous care. There was constantly so much action, but also the right amount. The more action and dangerous scenes I read, the more I craved which I think is the beauty of a short, fast-paced book like this one. It became so easy to get lost in the chase, so involved in everything that was going on. Building tension and fear seemed like an absolute breeze for this author, the vocabulary and description always pulled me in. It was here where we learned a little more about Roger and his past which was really interesting to me, and allowed us readers to see things from a slightly different perspective. Verity was also learning more about her true self and surprisingly, it was Roger who had opened her eyes. All these characters have somewhat likable qualities, whether you like them for being the ultimate bad guys, because they had redeeming qualities, or because they had some charm. I loved how different they were from one another, and yet, how similar some were too.

The end

If it was even possible, the book became even more suspenseful as the authorities closed in on Roger and Verity, with Sam’s luck running out with his captors. The story became surprisingly deep for its length – knowing it was a shorter read before I began, I was a bit uncertain about whether or not it would grip me as much as other full length crime thrillers have, but I didn’t need to worry! There was a great final showdown scene where characters reunite and others meet for the first time, which I really loved, and I almost didn’t breathe as I watched the inevitable play out. I loved how characters worked together, a bigger and better plan unfolding. It was written in such a tense way and I had absolutely no clue who would leave this book alive and breathing. It was exactly what I’d hoped for! The unpredictability was truly delicious and I really felt their fear.

“He hadn’t gotten the nickname “waster” for doing nothing in Nam, he’d gotten it because of his total disregard for life.”

There were some unexpected emotional scenes as some characters met their fate – I’d become weirdly attached to them which is unheard of for me in such short reads. Chaotic scenes ensued and to be honest, it was probably one of the most intense shoot-offs I’ve read! How these scenes progressed into the epilogue was absolutely brilliant. And the ending scenes had me hoping and praying for a sequel! A very unexpected and intriguing end to the book, something that shows off the author’s writing talent so much. Every word captured my attention and made me think, and thinking of life for certain characters after that epilogue felt great. Crime thriller fans, I urge you to check this book out, especially if you’re looking for something, short and snappy to fit in between longer reads. It really is worth your time!

Overall thoughts

Crimson Sunrise is a gritty, fast-paced crime thriller that pulls off an intense and suspenseful plot with style. Despite it being a shorter read, it has everything you could want; characters you love and love to hate, a complex romance, gun fights, car chases, gore, death, you name it. The author’s writing style had me gripped, with descriptions that effortlessly transport you into any scene. A thrilling, intense and engrossing read. Can’t wait to read more from this author!

You can grab your own copy of Crimson Sunrise right now on Amazon!

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